Picture of Florian Boudin

Florian Boudin

I am Associate Professor (HDR) of Computer Science at Nantes University. My research lies within the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR). My main research interests are weakly supervised/unsupervised learning and graph-based approaches with applications including keyphrase extraction and generation, summarization and document retrieval in scholarly collections. I’m doing research at the LS2N Lab in the TALN group and I do some teaching too. Currently, I held a research leave at the JFLI lab in Tokyo.

trajectory: grad student at LIA, Université d’Avignon → post-doc at RALI, Université de Montréal → associate professor at LS2N, Université de Nantes → visiting researcher at Aizawa lab, National Institute of Informatics → researcher at JFLI, National Institute of Informatics.