Input formatsΒΆ

pke currently supports the following input formats:

  1. raw text: text pre-processing (i.e. tokenization, sentence splitting and POS-tagging) is carried out using spacy.

    Example of content from a raw text file:

    Efficient discovery of grid services is essential for the success of
    grid computing. [...]

    To read a document in raw text format:

    extractor = pke.unsupervised.TopicRank()
    extractor.load_document(input='/path/to/input.txt', language='en')
  2. input text: same as raw text, text pre-processing is carried out using spacy.

    To read an input text:

    extractor = pke.unsupervised.TopicRank()
    text = u'Efficient discovery of grid services is essential for the [...]'
    extractor.load_document(input=text, language='en')
  3. Stanford XML CoreNLP: output file produced using the annotators tokenize, ssplit, pos and lemma. Document logical structure information can by specified by incorporating attributes into the sentence elements of the CoreNLP XML format.

    Example of CoreNLP XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <sentence id="1" section="abstract" type="bodyText" confidence="0.925">
              <token id="1">
              <token id="2">

    Here, the document logical structure information is added to the CoreNLP XML output by the use of the section, type and confidence attributes. We use the classification categories proposed by Luong et al. (2012). In pke, document logical structure information is exploited by the WINGNUS model and the following values are handled:

    section="title|abstract|introduction|related work|conclusions"

    To read a CoreNLP XML document:

    extractor = pke.unsupervised.TopicRank()